Sibu and Peter of Jaded Life and Lilian Kristensen (pictured), founder of the Oslo and London VIBE International model agency co-host a fashion model casting and informal networking evening at the prestigious new Zari Gallery (beautiful in Swahili) at 73 on Newman Street, W1 (off Oxford Street, near Tottenham Court Road), an energetic fashion hub comprising generous art gallery space. Featured fashions from Jaded Life's STAR WARS range, Mary Martin and Merci Me London amongst others together with Mirina Borozna's expressionist art generate a contemporary, vibey ambience. Acknowledgement is due to Graham Reading for his photographs as tagged.
Zari Gallery in association with:
Mary Martin on the BBC World Service's Focus on Africa, featuring her black dress (pictured at Africa Fashion Week London) inspired by (the much-publicised death of) the Zimbabwean lion, Cecil's mane: Signature fuchsia pink coat from Merci Ogole pictured: